Help! My Heat Pump Is Stuck in Cooling Mode!

Help! My Heat Pump Is Stuck in Cooling Mode!

Are you like many homeowners in Micco, FL, who use a heat pump to keep their homes comfortable all year? During the winter, the last thing you want to feel on a chilly morning is cold air in your house. A heat pump stuck in cooling mode can turn your cozy abode into a...
Is Your HVAC System Impacting Your Sleep Quality?

Is Your HVAC System Impacting Your Sleep Quality?

Getting a good night’s sleep plays a significant role in your health and well-being. Here are some ways your HVAC system in Sebastian, FL, can affect your sleep quality: Too Hot or Too Cold Temperatures The temperature in your bedroom is one of the most influential...
Why Does My Heat Pump Keep Turning Off in Sebastian, FL?

Why Does My Heat Pump Keep Turning Off in Sebastian, FL?

Does your heat pump in Sebastian, FL, turn off before running long enough to complete a cycle? That phenomenon is called short cycling, in which your heat pump turns on or off more often than it should, leaving it unable to heat or cool your home effectively. Here are...
Is My Heat Pump Installation the Right Size for My House?

Is My Heat Pump Installation the Right Size for My House?

You have to match your heat pump installation to your home’s square footage. If the system is too small, it’ll work too hard. An oversized system will be equally inefficient. We’ll explain two ways to calculate the right size for your heat pump...
Why Is My AC System Overheating in Micco, FL?

Why Is My AC System Overheating in Micco, FL?

If the air conditioner in your Micco, FL, home suddenly shuts off or doesn’t cool like it used to, it could be overheating. That’s something you don’t want to ignore. When your AC system overheats, it stops working properly, resulting in more severe...

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